Software Development Tooling Survey

Hello 👋,

I'm trying to learn about what tooling software teams are using to tackle specific aspects/obstacles in the development process.

It goes without saying that your submission is treated completely anonymously. It would help me a great deal in understanding the hurdles that pave your way on the app development journey.

Sincerely, Julian

Please rate the importance you allot to the following aspects of your application(s), or software development in general:

Not Important

Very Important

Not Important

Very Important

Not Important

Very Important

Not Important

Very Important

Not Important

Very Important

Not Important

Very Important

For which of these aspects do you use tooling to tackle them (e.g. Brakeman, CodeClimate, PageSpeed, …)

Please estimate how much money you spend per app and month on the respective tools (optional)

Suppose you can only afford tooling for two of these categories, which would that be? (select 2)

Please estimate how much time you spend per app and month on the respective aspects (optional)